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Customer Details

Customer Database

Managing your customers and their information is essential for a successful skip management operation. With SkipM8, you can create and maintain a comprehensive customer database, differentiating between residential and commercial clients.

Customer Details

SkipM8 - Customer Database

Customer information

Record all relevant customer details, ensuring you have a centralised repository of information for easy access.


Categorise your customers based on their type, allowing for targeted communication and tailored services.

SkipM8 - Customer Database

Job history

Easily access a customer's job history. This feature helps you track previous services and better understand their needs and preferences.

Customer Job History
Customer Payment History & Debts

SkipM8 - Customer Database

Payment history & debts

Keep tabs on all payment transactions for each customer. Quickly access payment records for a transparent financial overview.


Stay on top of outstanding debts with SkipM8. Our software helps you manage and address overdue payments to maintain financial stability.

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